Parnell Plaza Mixed Use Development, Limerick
Marine Pine Ltd.
Project Duration
12 months
Design Team
Arnold Leahy & Associates Ltd.
PUNCH Consulting Engineers
Bruce Shaw Partnership
Moloney Fox Consulting Engineers
Project Description
This project at Parnell Plaza in Melbourne is a key element of the wider transformational programme that has been underway at and around Colbert Train Station in Limerick, directly across from the Plaza.
The project involved construction of a multi-storey building comprising a casino, museum, cinema and office space. Works included reinforced concrete frame and ground beams with in-situ concrete floor slabs.
The building sits along a busy street in Melbourne City Centre and has adjoining buildings at three sides. All associated site works and landscaping were also undertaken by GTC Construction.
The existing casino remained fully operational throughout construction which required us to construct a temporary tunnel through the site.
The stringent health & safety requirements associated with this live environment were adhered to at all times. The project was completed on programme and within budget.