Mulgrave Street Housing Development, Limerick
Melbourne City & County Council
Project Duration
12 months
Design Team
Paul Keogh Architects
Rogerson Reddan & Associates
Martin Peters Associates Structural Engineers
Bernard Smith Consulting Engineers
Project Description
The proposed development will consist of: (a) 11 no. 2 bedroom 4 person 2 story dwellings, 2 no. 2 bedroom 4 person apartments and 1 no. 2 bedroom 3 person 2 storey apartment, (b) Provision of new on-street parallel parking and modification of existing foothpaths. (c) Hard landscaping including front privacy strip and bin stores to dwellings. (d) Soft landscaping including planting and trees. (e) Replacement of / remedial works to existing boundaries with adjacent properties. (f) Provision of new water connections, a foul sewer connection, and a surface water drainage system. (g) All associated site works. The proposed dwellings are typically 2 storey houses and single storey apartments.